Setting Up Mintlify for API Documentation

Setting Up Mintlify for API Documentation

A Beginner's Guide

Setting Up Mintlify for API Documentation: A Beginner's Guide

Mintlify is an excellent tool for creating API documentation with ease. This guide walks you through the entire setup process, from creating an account to successfully running Mintlify with OpenAPI integration.

I wrote this guide from a beginner's perspective, having searched for a simple guide for a complete beginner and not found one. This guide includes errors you'd likely encounter and how to solve them.

Prerequisite: Install VS Code. If you have that installed, we're good to go.

1. Creating a Mintlify Account

  1. Go to Mintlify.

  2. Sign up using your GitHub or Google account.

  3. Once logged in, navigate to the "Get Started" section to access the starter templates.

2. Cloning and Forking the Mintlify Starter Template

1. Visit the Mintlify GitHub repository.

2. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.

3. Clone it to your local machine by typing the following code into your terminal on VS Code.

git clone

4. Navigate into the project folder by typing the following commands into your terminal.

cd starter

3. Referencing openapi.yaml in docs.json

Note: mint.json was recently replaced by docs.json. This means you should be searching for docs.json on the cloned folder in your computer, and not mint.json. You should find it in the Starter directory.

1. Open docs.json in any code editor. I recommend VS Code.

2. Add the OpenAPI reference inside docs.json.Your code should look like the one below.

  "tab": "API Reference",
  "groups": [
      "group": "API Documentation",
      "openapi": {
        "source": "mintlify/starter/api-reference/openapi.yaml",
        "directory": "api-reference"

3. Save the file.

This tells Mintlify where to find the OpenAPI spec and how to integrate it into your documentation.

4. Installing Git and Node.js

Mintlify requires Git and Node.js. If you haven’t installed them:

Verify installation by typing the following commands into your command line for each installation.

node -v  # This command checks Node.js version

git --version  # This command checks Git version

5. Running npx Command & Troubleshooting Errors

Initial Command:

After ensuring your OpenAPI file is correctly referenced, run the following command:

npx @mintlify/scraping@latest openapi-file ./openapi.yaml

Common Errors & Fixes

If you encounter an error similar to: "Running scripts is disabled on this system", here's the solution.

Open PowerShell terminal on VS Code as Administrator and run the following commands.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process

Then, retry the command.

If you encounter an error with a message similar to: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Samuel\Desktop\Mintlify\openapi.yaml'", consider the solution below.

Ensure the correct path is used. If openapi.yaml is inside api-reference, run the following commands.

npx @mintlify/scraping@latest openapi-file ./api-reference/openapi.yaml

6. Running npx mintlify dev

Once the OpenAPI file is populated, start the Mintlify local server:

npx mintlify dev

Common Errors & Fixes

If you encounter an error with a message similar to: "Must be run in a directory where a mint.json or docs.json file exists", consider the following options.

  1. Check if docs.json exists in the current directory by typing the command below.


  1. If missing, navigate to the correct folder by typing the command below.

cd starter

  1. Try running the command again

npx mintlify dev

Security Risks of Unrestricted Execution Policy

1. Runs Any Script Without Confirmation

Any PowerShell script, including potentially harmful ones, can run without warning.

2. Increases Malware and Phishing Risks

Malicious scripts disguised as legitimate ones can execute without user approval.

3. No Digital Signature Checks

Unlike RemoteSigned or AllSigned, Unrestricted mode does not verify script authenticity.

4. Can Be Used for Privilege Escalation

Attackers can exploit this setting to execute scripts that modify system settings or install malicious software.

Safer Alternatives

Instead of Unrestricted, consider using any of the following.

1. RemoteSigned

Allows locally created scripts but requires signed scripts from the internet.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

2. Bypass (Temporary)

Ignores policy only for the current session.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File script.ps1

After running your required scripts, always reset the policy using the following commands.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope Process

If all steps are followed correctly, your Mintlify documentation should now be running successfully! Congratulations! You’ve now set up Mintlify for API documentation. If you're stuck, drop your questions in the comments and I'll give you the support you need.